Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Do it Yourself Wii repair Guide repair Tips For the Wii Gamer!

Does your Wii mote ice up? Have you ever had your Wii mote crash on you at the worst possible of times, like during a big game? You get home from work and all you want to do is play on the Wii and all of a sudden the unit won't power on! I mean what gives? Yes, all things determined there are many things in life that need to be fixed and at the best of times you could call a mend man and of policy there are times when you would just rather be able to fix the issues yourself! Well, if your Wii game console is giving you some issues you need not worry because the fact of the matter is that the Nintendo Wii is easier to troubleshoot and fix than you might think! Read on and you will learn how you can be up and gaming again in no time flat! If you have ever had to troubleshoot and fix a home computer then you can fix the Wii. You will just need to get a grip on what the error is that is taking place and how to troubleshoot and decide the issue. Here are some of the more common daily issues that can influence your Wii and some of the troubleshooting steps that you as a Wii owner can take to fix your console.

1. If your Wii freezes up or crashes during game play then you need to know that this is one of the more common issues that can happen and it does. When it happens, does it happen with only one game that you have been playing or does it happen on all games that you play? The first step in the troubleshooting process would be to get other game disc if this is only happening on one game and see if this stops the problem! If you don't already have a Cd cleaning kit in the house I would advise getting one and holding it colse to for such instances as you don't want any smudges on your discs as this can cause this type of issue.

Ac Adapter

Now, if this does not fix the issue then you might have to look into more complicated issues such as the laser reader in your console being bad, or maybe you are playing a game from other country and it is not being appropriate by your console. There is also the possibility that the Cd motor could be defective as well. Also, in greatest conditions the Cd cable is not firmly pressed to the motherboard so the disc read is sporadic. In these cases one would have to open the Wii case up and that will void your warranty if you are still in warranty. If you are in warranty or have an extended warranty then let the warranty work for you and if you are not in warranty then you could look to more complicated troubleshooting steps to fix this issue and I am not getting into those here. In these instances if the unit is in warranty then it would be time to taste Nintendo to find the nearest warranty service center or you may have to ship the unit back. Remember, crashes and freezes can also occur depending on how the unit is positioned and where the unit is and if the unit is overheating as this can cause crashes and freezes too!

2. Are you having issues with your Wii mote? (Can you hear the voice of Elmer Fudd in there? Get it? Wii mote?) Ok, back to reality! Are you having function errors with your Wii mote? Have you tried to disconnect and then reconnect the Wii sensor bar? This is other common issue that afflicts the Wii and it is a real easy one to fix. If there is anything in the way or cluttering the sensor bar then it is time to get it out of the way and that goes the same for the Wii mote. As with anything that runs on batteries like a flashlight or a radio, don't forget to make sure that the batteries with the sensor bar are fresh. I ordinarily take a Sharpie label and put a date on my batteries that my tired old eyes can see, in that way if things like my Wii mote and sensor bar go out or give me problems then the first thing I check is the batteries. It seems like the batteries are the last thing to get checked. When issues like this happen as we forget about them and think in the back of our minds that batteries last forever. Check the batteries!

3. Did your Wii game console power up correctly today? Yesterday? Last week? Have you let your Wii sit because it would not power up? How long has it sat? This is one issue that can be a real pain in the you know what! population of course freak out when they get home one day and find that the Wii they love to play will not power up. population think it is all over! Well, it is not. Yes the issue can give you that sinking feeling but it is not as bad as one would think! Make sure that your power source, your Ac power adapter is traditional Wii issue! Check the adapter for breaks in the wire. Is the adapter getting of course hot when plugged in the wall and still your Wii will not power up? Have you called some of your other buddies who own Wii's and have them stop by with their power adapters? Do that and see if other adapter will get your unit working! Has your Wii been dropped lately or at any time at all? (Don't laugh! it has been know to happen!) Sometimes the power adapter on the inside associated to the board has cracked or broken and makes power intermittent or at some point no power at all! If using man else's adapter fixes the issue then order a new adapter from Nintendo or a service station/dealer locally.

4. Now here is an industrialized issue that you may have run across with you Wii! Have you ever gotten Wii error code 52130? Do you know what it means? Well, this is a somewhat industrialized topic, but here it is. This is an issue with your router or firewall. You are not able to connect to the internet. You come home one day and all of a sudden you can't get on the net to play and you think it is time for a costly mend when you can do it yourself. You need to check your network Ip settings and/or try setting up the Wii manually using your network Ip settings. Performing a manual setup of your console in this manner: Start/Run/Command/Enter/Ipconfig/All/Enter ) If you are using Windows Vista do this: Start/Command/ and then you will see the search command box, just click on the Command icon and then input this: Ipconfig/All and then hit Enter.

Once you have found the Ip settings that you need, use them to set up your console manually. Then go ahead and power down and then power up your router again. I like to do this by unplugging all things from the wall and back in again and sometimes I will hold the power button in for sixty seconds as this discharges (clears) the law board and then power it all up again. Once this is done, effort to get your Wii associated to the net again. If that does not do it then go ahead and turn off the routers safety and try to connect again. If this does not fix the issue then the problem is not with the Wii, it is with the router or firewall and you should consult the documentation that came with those units and also go to the manufacturers website to see if there is any documentation in regards to this type of issue.

The Do it Yourself Wii repair Guide repair Tips For the Wii Gamer!

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