Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Base Camp Solar Kit divulge

Have you ever wished that you had more power when on a long camping trip? Have you found yourself and your house in need of light and warmth in the middle of a winter vacation? Are you person who lives in a remote setting and has wee passage to primary power? If you have ever been in a situation where more power would have been useful, it's time to think about what the Base Camp Solar Kit can do for you.

The kit comes unblemished with everything you need to get the job done when it comes to powering a camp site or a remote cabin. With solar panels, batteries, inverter and four Led lights, this kit is hard to trump in today's market. In fact, this kit can even be built upon which makes it a perfect starter kit for those seeing to get off the grid for good. However, even those who camp only once a year can find many benefits to using the Base Camp Solar Kit.

Ac Adapter

For instance, a house can power a shower, a camp oven and even a small television or laptop for an entire long weekend of camping without having to drain the car battery. In addition, those who like to spend summer or winter months in cabins might find this to be the perfect clarification to longer term power needs. In fact the use of a propane fridge and oven along with this solar power kit can provide everything you would need to live comfortably.

The solar kit comes with two extremely great batteries that has an internal capacity of 350 watts each. And with a life cycle beginning from 500-1,000. And it has a security feature that downs the charging ports down if the climatic characteristic gets above 122 Degrees. That is a very prominent feature if you need to keep your transported power theory face all day long. The midpoint temps usually when camping everywhere is about 120. The top ever recorded was in Africa at 136. Whether way, your electronics will be safe and secure for later that evening or afternoon when it cools down again.

There are 4 30M solar panels that come with it. That is a huge savings in and of itself. Most solar panels with a lot of power are about 0 dollars alone. You receive four of them here! The M stands for mono-crystalline solar panels and M solar panels are known as the most beloved because of it's availability. And because you are receiving four of them, that equals to 120 watt mono-crystalline power.

Additionally, when you go to set up camp, you can string together up to 4 Light a life Led Lights. These are the same ones that are being used in the Haiti relief. You will be able to set them up around the tents and you always have the choice to add more if you would like. Once you have the lights set up, you can be sure they will stay lite through out the night because of the great 350 batteries. And in the day time you can be charging them.

The kit does not take a lot of room up which makes it nice and easy to store and voyage with, but it is big adequate to pack adequate power to last a decent number of time before having to be recharged. And for those long days or nights when a wee more juice is needed, the Ac adapter and car lighter adapter offer yet an additional one choice for powering the batteries in the kit.

The inverter is a very beneficial piece of equipment that comes with the entire as well. It has the power to provide up to 400 watts of continual current and a 800 watt peak. Talk about powerful, right? And to top all of this off, it comes with a manufacturer's warranty. You can try to find something better that includes all of this, but there is nothing, I tired and looked and came up empty.

You have probably been on adequate camping trips or cabin outings to know the point of even a wee extra power, so why wait until you are in the position of needing it? Instead, get the Base Camp Solar Kit today and start having fun with it on your next trip! To get a head start on its usefulness, you can even jump start the batteries so they are juiced and ready to go the first time you take them out to use them. The solar panels will do the rest of the work as you use the power.

This is the most productive means of getting the power that you need, when you need it. There is no better choice in terms of convenience, affordability, size and power on the market. Don't waste any more time trying to find the best clarification to your power needs, you've found it. Make the speculation now and you won't have to worry about the power later.

Base Camp Solar Kit divulge

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