Saturday, December 10, 2011

The divergence in the middle of Alternative Current and Direct Current

The galvanic current is a orderly movement of electrical charges.

Electricity has distinct properties and parameters, together with the current form. If the galvanic current form is a right (voltage is a constant value) we are talking about direct current. For example, a battery is a direct current source. If the galvanic current form is distinct from a right (voltage value is changeable in time) we are talking about alternative current.

Ac Adapter

Ac is characterized in general by two dimensions (form and frequency):
* It has a sinusoidal shape (symmetrical, harmonic form). This is the ideal form in which electricity is produced from the national grid electricity supply.
* Oscillation frequency of the voltage is between 50Hz frequency (line frequency) to some Ghz frequencies (cellular phone, radio, etc.)

In the beginning, both types of current were used for transmitting electricity. Over time, it was demonstrated that the Ac can carry the energy over longer distances without any loss. Moreover, the Ac voltage can be changed easily, using a transformer. It is very productive to vehicle the power for long-distance at a very high voltage, but for using inside homes and plants, a lower voltage is needed for safety. A series of transformers can adjust the voltage as needed.

For some users it is irrelevant whether it is used Ac or Dc. For example, galvanic lighting uses both types of current, but some applications must use a singular type of current.

Direct current is used in applications of low voltage. Batteries and solar systems furnish direct current only. Most electronic devices are also working on direct current. If these devices must control on household alternative current, you need to setup an adapter. This adapter converts the alternating current into direct current, avoiding damage of the electronic devices.

The divergence in the middle of Alternative Current and Direct Current

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