Thursday, December 8, 2011

Off Topic: Mathmos Led Blob and Flow Lights enumerate

Blob and Flow are lights which are very unique and sold separately. Blob's the blue guy and Flow's the red. I have both so I will refer to them as Blob and Flow throughout the review.

Blob and Flow have gorgeous designs. The covering material is made out of caste zinc alloy (metal) giving the lights a as a matter of fact nice metallic tough material. Each light has one eye smaller than the other manufacture them appear very cute especially with their antenna on top which also builds on their characters. Institute wise these thing rock!

Ac Adapter

The colors emitted from both lights are from Led's which is a remarkable selection for these guys. Led's last almost forever, consume very minuscule power and are very bright. That's defiantly the case with Blob and Flow the lights inside each are extremely sharp which helps them stand out nicely.

Blob and Flow can be interacted with by touching them everywhere on their metal body. This will make them whether wink or go through a short moment of madness with blinking of eyes the and all round craziness. If you touch them for about 8 seconds they will go into their sleep routine where they turn off.

To power both lights you can whether use the supplied Ac wall adapter or Usb cable. I choose to keep these lights on my desk so the Usb cable was best for me which I then plug into my iMac for juice. It's remarkable you get the selection to use both.

Overall Blob and Flow are great minuscule pets for my desk and because they are both relatively heavy they make good paper weights on my desk too. Both colors look equally good and the Institute of them is as a matter of fact superb! remarkable gifts to think giving this Christmas.

Off Topic: Mathmos Led Blob and Flow Lights enumerate

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